Living The Dream: From Borrowed Boots in Oregon to Breaking Hearts On The Big Stage in Nashville, Tennessee

Have you heard the old song, “These boots are made for walkin’…” by Nancy Sinatra? Well, we think this rising country music star’s boots are made for kicking @ss, and we’ve got the video to prove it. More on that later.

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Official Music Video

The Official Music Video filed by Chris Fischer featuring the New Hit Single “Bounty” by Lexi Tucker is awesome, and we were dancing to the beat less than 30 minutes after it was posted.

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Borrowed Boots

This is a great story, in her words straight from the post, “I had to borrow my mom’s boots, my step dad’s cowboy hat, use bailing twine for a guitar strap, pretend I wasn’t half awake, and we got to work. My horse Chief got to star in it too. -Lexi Tucker 🤠

She stated by saying that, “I made a spontaneous trip home to Oregon in October to be part of a filmed survival game competition my friend Tony Peniche

One of the fun parts about this story is that we were there! Oh, yeah! Ok, yeah, maybe I’m being a little Lexi Swifty here, I know, but we still think hearing her song first is kinda cool, and she really has earned it. This is why we said we think her boots are made for kicking @ss, watch this and let’s debate, I’ll wait.

Warrior With No Name

Now, remember, that video you just watched^ was the first time/minute I met her. She was just going to town like a survival warrior kicking @ss building a winning shelter in minutes out of literally nothing. I didn’t even know her name, and that’s Chris Fischer in the video above as well. It was great to see them work and be part of the BTS crew, especially because I went home to sleep in my bed…lol

Media Magic by Chris Fischer

Having seen Chris Fischer at work first hand, all I have to say is that I was just impressed with his work as everyone else, however, “…you don’t have to take *my* word for it. – LeVar Burton

2022 All Around Project – Showreel from The All Around Project on Vimeo.


We think it’s great to see all of this happening. From borrowing boots for a music video to singing on stage in Nashville, it truly is living the dream, if you ask me. Plus, it still feels kinda cool to have heard the song before the video was made, because you get a different artistic interpretation from the experience. Anyway, I think everyone did awesome. Much love.

Thanks for reading, share if you care. Cheers.

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