From Camper to Owner: Shaun White Carving His Name on Mt. Hood by Giving Back to the Community

Shaun White is a legend known worldwide for his incredible natural ability to catch massive air throwing amazing snowboard and skateboard tricks that you’ve never seen before. 

Fast Facts:

  • Shaun White just gave every camper a Whitespace snowboard.
  • Shaun White invested in We Are Camp (oversees Windells and High Cascade)
  • Shaun White spent his summers as a child training at Windells and High Cascade Snowboard Camp, and now his is one of the owners.

PNW Family

For many of us growing up in the PNW, watching Shaun win with his epic style was inspirational, to say the least. Now, Mr. White is taking things to a new level by giving back to the very same PNW community that has supported him for so many years, and we love it!

Giving Back

Shaun White just gave every camper a free Whitespace snowboard. That is pretty awesome if you ask me. The best part is, he used to go there, and now he owns it, but like a true boss, he’s still doing the most (see FB posts made by my friends Brandon and Michael below).

Investing in the Future

Shaun White, repeat Olympic gold medalist and record holder for the most X Games gold medals, teamed up with Josh Harris and David Blitzer to invest in We Are Camp based on Mt. Hood, Oregon, which also oversees Windells and High Cascade, offering action sports camps for youth and adults in snowboarding, skiing, skateboarding, and mountain biking. 

We Are Camp

White has a personal connection to We Are Camp, having attended it almost every summer with his family. He credits the camp’s coaching, facilities, and staff for his development. To celebrate this partnership, White has returned to Mt. Hood to participate in the High Cascade Snowboard Camp happening now.  

“As a kid, I was so thrilled to spend every summer going up to Windells and High Cascade Snowboard Camp,” said White. “Those were some of my fondest memories. I would snowboard the best park and halfpipe in the morning and then the afternoons would be filled with skateboarding, trampolines, and mountain biking. It was epic. I learned so much from the coaches there, but also had access to tips from professional riders who were also there training.”

PNW Social EXPLORE LOCAL Recommendation:

True PNWer

Shaun White achieved extraordinary fame, transcending snowboarding, and it’s heartening to see him giving back to the community. Known as the best in his field, Shaun competed in multiple Olympics for both snowboarding and skateboarding, becoming a household name. Despite his celebrity status and wealth, he hasn’t forgotten his roots. By investing in the iconic High Cascade summer snowboard camp, which has launched many pro careers, Shaun shows his deep commitment to being a true PNWer.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this article. Have a great day and I’ll leave you with one final quote from one of the many SM posts about it:

“Not all heroes wear capes… some wear hoodies.” – Brandon Neustel after Shaun White gave his son Jordy a snowboard and then traded it up for a 134cm instead of a 130cm.

Sources and Links:

Images courtesy of Michael Archer and Brandon Neustel on Facebook


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