Meet The PNW Salmon Cannon That Shoots Fish Over Dams

Meet the PNW Salmon Cannon by Whooshh Innovations, located in the great Pacific Northwest.

What is the Salmon Cannon?

The PNW Salmon Cannon is a device designed to help migrating salmon overcome obstacles such as dams and other barriers in rivers and streams.

How does the Salmon Cannon work?

It works by transporting the fish through a flexible tube, propelling them at high speeds over the barriers.

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The benefits of the PNW Salmon Cannon are manifold:

  1. Conservation: Salmon are vital to the ecosystem of the Pacific Northwest, playing a crucial role in the food chain and ecosystem dynamics. By helping them bypass barriers, the Salmon Cannon contributes to the conservation efforts aimed at preserving salmon populations.
  2. Population Management: Salmon populations have been declining due to various factors. The Salmon Cannon assists in managing these populations by facilitating migration, which in turn supports breeding and spawning.
  3. Economic Value: Salmon fishing is an essential industry in the Pacific Northwest, supporting commercial, recreational, and tribal fisheries. By aiding salmon migration, the Salmon Cannon indirectly supports these industries, contributing to the regional economy.
  4. Efficiency: Traditional methods of helping fish pass obstacles, such as fish ladders, can be inefficient. The Salmon Cannon offers a more efficient solution by quickly transporting fish over barriers without causing harm or stress to the fish.
  5. Research and Monitoring: The Salmon Cannon can also be used as a tool for researchers and conservationists to study salmon migration patterns and behavior. By tracking tagged fish as they pass through the cannon, scientists can gather valuable data for management efforts.

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Innovative Approach

Overall, the PNW Salmon Cannon represents a creative and innovative approach to addressing the challenges faced by migrating salmon in the Pacific Northwest, offering a solution that benefits both the environment and human interests.

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