Promontory Park: Where Memories Are Made and Adventures Begin

Nestled along the picturesque shores of the Willamette River lies a hidden gem that holds a special place in the hearts of those who have grown up visiting its tranquil waters. Promontory Park, a beloved destination for fishing, swimming, and embarking on pontoon boat adventures, has been a source of joy and endless excitement for generations.

With its stunning natural beauty, welcoming atmosphere, and a plethora of recreational activities, Promontory Park is the perfect playground for outdoor enthusiasts of all ages.

A Fisherman’s Paradise: For avid anglers and those seeking the thrill of the catch, Promontory Park is a true paradise. Its pristine waters are teeming with a rich diversity of fish species, including bass, trout, and catfish, offering endless opportunities for casting lines and reeling in the big one. As the sun rises over the tranquil river, casting its golden hues on the water’s surface, you’ll find yourself in a world of serenity and anticipation, eagerly awaiting the bite that will ignite your passion for fishing.

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Swimming in Nature’s Embrace: On warm summer days, Promontory Park beckons swimmers to dive into its refreshing waters. The designated swim area provides a safe and inviting space to cool off and splash around with friends and family. Immerse yourself in the gentle currents, feel the sun’s warmth on your skin, and revel in the sheer delight of being embraced by nature’s embrace. Whether you’re perfecting your strokes, engaging in water games, or simply floating lazily on the water’s surface, Promontory Park offers an idyllic setting for unforgettable aquatic adventures.

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Pontoon Boat Excursions: The true magic of Promontory Park reveals itself when you embark on a pontoon boat excursion. Renting a pontoon boat from the park opens up a world of exploration and relaxation. Cruise along the river’s meandering path, taking in the awe-inspiring vistas that surround you. The gentle breeze caresses your face as you navigate the waters, your heart filled with a sense of freedom and adventure. With family or friends by your side, create lasting memories as you enjoy leisurely picnics, engage in friendly conversations, and bask in the joy of being on the water.

Nature’s Playground: Promontory Park is not just a destination for fishing, swimming, and boating—it is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts seeking connection with nature. The park’s lush greenery, towering trees, and vibrant flora and fauna create an immersive experience that reawakens the senses and rejuvenates the soul. Explore the surrounding hiking trails, take a leisurely stroll along the riverbank, or simply find a quiet spot to revel in the symphony of nature’s sounds. From chirping birds to rustling leaves, every moment spent in Promontory Park is a reminder of the beauty and serenity that nature bestows upon us.

Community and Lifelong Memories: Promontory Park holds a special place in the hearts of those who have grown up visiting its shores. It is a place where friendships are forged, family bonds are strengthened, and cherished memories are created. From childhood adventures to reunions with old friends, the park is a constant thread that weaves through the tapestry of our lives. The sense of community and shared experiences at Promontory Park is what sets it apart and makes it a beloved destination for generations.

Photo by Julie Madison via Promontory Park Campground Facebook Page

Conclusion: Promontory Park is a place where time seems to stand still, allowing us to reconnect with nature, create everlasting memories, and experience the pure joy of outdoor recreation. Whether you’re casting your line into the river’s depths, frolicking in the swim area, or embarking on a pontoon boat adventure


Promontory Park is 7 miles east of Estacada on Highway 224.

40600 E. Highway 224 Estacada, OR 97023


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